A short update

15th July 2022 Hi, Your prayers would be greatly appreciated. As you will know prices are increasing rapidly everywhere but Kenya has been hit very hard and we have had to revise our monthly budget to cover the increase in the cost of the following essentials. Food for the children at Home of Peace, gas …

Newsletter Jan to June 2022

29th May 2022We sent out our last actual newsletter on the 16th of January and a very brief prayer update on the 14th of April so hopefully we can bring you up to date with all that is happening and has happened at Home of Peace this year. At the end of January 5 young …

Prayer Request

12th April 2022 Dear Prayer Partners, God has been so good to us and so faithful. You will remember in our last newsletter we said we needed £6,150 for Secondary School. Actually, due to the increase in prices in Kenya it ended us as £7255 BUT GOD. God provided this money through a series of …

Newsletter Sept 2021 to Jan 2022

Happy New Year to all our wonderful supporters. Christmas and new year  are always an exciting time at Home of Peace and this year was no exception. Thanks to the generosity of our, Trustees, Supporters and members of Christian House Sitters we were able to supply Home of Peace with a special Christmas and new …

Newsletter May to August 2021

This has been an odd year. Covid continued causing chaos but we thank God none of our staff or children have been infected. Our Health Dept Manager Erick Jafeth Ochieng has done an excellent job. In his latest report received this week he wrote:We are all observing covid 19 protocols with regular hand washing and …

NEWSLETTER Oct 2020 to March 2021

Life has been hectic and somehow it has been 5 months since we sent you a news update on Home of Peace. Remember you can always catch up on the very latest on our Facebook page. CLICK HERE So what has happened over the past months?     OCTOBER 2020 In our last newsletter we …

NEWSLETTER July to Oct. 2020

We hope that you and your family are coping well during this pandemic that has caused so much havoc around the world. It seems much longer than 3 months since we sent out the last Home of Peace Newsletter. So much has happened it is hard to know where to begin. Our children have all …

Newsletter April to July 2020

Time seems to pass so quickly. We can hardly believe that it is 3 months since we last sent out a newsletter about Home of Peace.Here is a brief summary of what has happened since the last newsletter. It has been a busy and an ‘interesting’ time. APRIL In April we got a message from …


To all our Sponsors and Prayer Partners 2020 has already proved to be an unusual year.  Amidst this Coronavirus outbreak, we wanted to let you know we are doing all we can to continue to as normal. But it’s not easy. Home of Peace started the year as normal with the children and students returning …

Important News Update 15th March 2020

HOME of PEACE Children’s Home Please pray for the staff and children at Home of Peace. This is not our normal quarterly newsletter but rather an urgent prayer request to everyone who is on the mailing list as a supporter, sponsor, prayer partner or someone interested in the work at Home of Peace The Coronavirus …