Important News Update 15th March 2020

Children’s Home

Please pray for the staff and children at Home of Peace.

This is not our normal quarterly newsletter but rather an urgent prayer request to everyone who is on the mailing list as a supporter, sponsor, prayer partner or someone interested in the work at Home of Peace

The Coronavirus has now reached Kenya and the president has today closed all schools with immediate effect until further notice and banned large public gatherings.

We can’t isolate all our children, students and staff. They need to sleep in their dormitories, eat in the dining room etc., so as an immediate urgent initial step we have sent out £150 to buy additional antibacterial liquid soap, disinfectant and toilet rolls. and sent instructions about tightening the whole hygiene system.

We are also arranging for our Nurse Aid to start doing health checks on everyone starting with the weakest so any problems can be dealt with asap

Pray also for the financial implications. The value of the UK Pound to the Kenyan shilling has fallen like a rock. At the rate we got today when sending the additional emergency funds it will cost us an extra £400 every month for the normal expenses. This is something we know God can and will supply but please pray.

We also know that as a result of the worldwide infection some of our wonderful supporters will see their income dropping. pray for them as well

God bless you,

Love in Jesus,

Marilyn & Ray