A short update

15th July 2022


Your prayers would be greatly appreciated. As you will know prices are increasing rapidly everywhere but Kenya has been hit very hard and we have had to revise our monthly budget to cover the increase in the cost of the following essentials. Food for the children at Home of Peace, gas for cooking thousands of meals every month, fuel for our van, diesel for our pump that brings water to the home.

This has been very carefully checked and re-checked and we have to increase our support by at least £900 per month in order to maintain the minimum standards.

Prior to this we often struggled to meet the payments we send on the 8th and the 22nd of each month.

Now we can’t meet them unless God touches hearts. Please pray!! Our next payment to Home of Peace is due on Friday of next week.

For those who live in the UK. If you support us and have not yet filled in a Gift Aid form, please consider doing that as it will increase your gift by 25% without costing you anything. If you do not tick the ‘today only’ box on the form, we can claim back for anything you have donated in the past 4 years. Filling in the form takes about 2 minutes. This is money from the Government so it will not cost you anything. The form is available on our website. CLICK HERE.

Again for UK supporters. As you know the Government has started sending out payments to help with the cost on energy and living due to the severe financial problems many are facing here. We know that for many these will prove a lifesaver and we are thankful.  But there are some people who do not need this extra. Oh it will be nice but not essential. If you fall into that  blessed group please consider donating some or all of this unexpected income to help us support Home of Peace.

I remind you that unlike the vast majority of charities 100% of the funds received go to the charity. No trustees are paid anything, we have no paid staff, we cover our own running expenses. So, whatever you give goes to Home of Peace.

If you feel God wants you to help with a regular gift, an occasional gift or a one-off gift or to increase your present level of giving it can easily be done online CLICK HERE

Thank you for your support and prayers. This work is a miracle and we know God will sort out the needs.

God bless you

Ray & Marilyn