Newsletter 3rd Jan 2025

Yes, it really is 2025 already! How time flies.

As we look back at last year we are filled with gratitude for the amazing supporters, like you, that God has sent for the work at Home of Peace.

Without your help we simply could not run the Children’s Home.

Thanks to you literally hundreds of lives have been changed forever.

May God bless you in 2025

We saw many miracles during 2025. If you read our previous newsletters and / or followed Home of Peace on Facebook you already know about them but briefly

God provided funds to feed, clothe, accommodate and educate 56 children, many of whom had suffered abuse and others who came from homes where they could not be provided with food, clothing or an education. God provided for medical expenses. He enabled us to have a borehole sunk and water storage installed providing and a safe, strong supply of water.

Our amazing staff served faithfully, and our wonderful UK Trustees once again did a lot of fundraising and our Kenya Trustees do regular inspections and advise us when needed.

The Kenyan Government, after careful inspections of Home of Peace, have once again granted us official registration as a recognised and approved Children’s Home.

We were featured in Magnet Magazine with a 2 page full colour spread. Sadly, I can’t show it to you yet as their terms say we can’t reproduce it until 3 months after publication. But you will see it in a future newsletter.

This is always a very special time for the children at Home of Peace and we are thankful that, through our sponsors sufficient extra funds were supplied to give the children, staff and staff families a lovely Christmas and New Year.

Some pictures from the celebrations.
We will also be posting some videos of the children singing and dancing
on Facebook over the next few days so please see our info below about Facebook

As always the New Year starts with the enormous challenge of covering the essential costs of schooling for everyone at Home of Peace. This includes school fees, uniforms, sports clothes, school books, bikes or bike repairs for those that need to travel to secondary school and other related costs.

The budget for this coming year is higher than usual due to the increase in costs for everything in Kenya coupled with the drop in the exchange rate which means that the same amount of Kenyan Shillings costs more in British Pounds than it did last time.

They start the new school year next week. We’ve managed to put aside £2,000 towards the costs so far, but that still leaves us with a shortfall of approximately £10,000 that is urgently needed to cover the costs.

Education is absolutely vital for the future of our children at Home of Peace. It opens doors and provides them with opportunities they wouldn’t otherwise have.

As we have previously mentioned since last year our Primary School Children have moved from a broken down, poorly run, overcrowded Government school to a Christian, private, Primary school where they get a far better education. We were delighted with the improvement in their grades at the end of last year. This naturally costs a bit more but the school understand our situation and charge us much less than they would charge other children, because we are a Christian Children’s Home. 

We have 56 children and the average cost per child per year for schooling is just £218 each. A lot of money but far from unreasonable compared to elsewhere.

We urgently need your help to cover this essential expense!
If you can’t give, then remember, you can still pray that God will again miraculously supply what is needed.

Whatever you give will help and as always 100% of what we receive goes to Home of Peace.

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That will tell me to send it to you and also satisfy the GDPR rules for only sending mailing to people who have asked to be included.

You can also read the latest Facebook posts at the bottom of our website Home Page.

God bless you
Love in Jesus
Marilyn & Ray